The beating heart and supreme protagonist of the living area, the sofa is a furnishing accessory that can completely change the perception of an environment, giving personality, character and uniqueness to the context.
The beating heart and absolute star of the living room, the sofa is a furnishing accessory that can completely change the perception of an environment, giving personality, character and uniqueness to the room. This is an important choice, therefore, that must necessarily meet and satisfy both practical requirements, such as the correct arrangement according to space, shapes and models, and purely aesthetic factors. While certain sofas are capable of capturing our attention at a glance, it is also true that love at first sight often hides pitfalls, such as the choice of colour and the features of the area we are furnishing.
Creating a perfectly balanced and colour-harmonious atmosphere is, after all, one of the priorities of interior design to which great attention must be paid.
You can choose, for example, to furnish a house from scratch and start a new home decoration project starting with the sofa, making it the centrepiece and starting point to inspire the entire living area, or you can insert a sofa into the existing furniture, thus moving towards a more effective choice from the point of view of chromatic and stylistic consistency.
In this sense, the new collection of Bontempi Casa sofas, consisting of five models with their accessories and an armchair, aims to meet even the most articulated needs, thanks to a wide variety of coverings, shades and colours that are perfect to inspire any kind of environment.

Secrets to choosing a sofa colour
The colour universe of the living room is a source of inspiration for the entire style of the house and has a particular impact on the entire indoor atmosphere. This is why the choice of colour, especially when it comes to key pieces of furniture in the living area such as the sofa, must be well thought out and studied to perfection. It may sound complicated, but there are determining factors that can surprisingly point us in the right direction.
Here are three crucial questions to ask yourself in order to get off to the best possible start in the world of colour.
How big is the living area?
The size of the living room tells us a lot about the features of our future furniture. A large living room can easily accommodate sofas in bright colours, giving a unique personality to the whole space; if the living room is small, on the other hand, it is preferable to choose light colours to give depth to the environment without running the risk of reducing the size further.
Has the room enough light?
One of the most important tips for choosing the perfect colour is to consider the amount of natural light in the room. For example, if the windows are very large and allow plenty of light, a darker shade can be daring; if the light source is limited , it is better to opt for a lighter colour to reflect the existing light and give depth to the environment.
What is the overall style of the house?
If the living room is to be completely furnished, you can consider some neutral colours and then build the furniture around them in complete freedom or, on the contrary, choose bright and lively shades to make the sofa the centrepiece of the living room.
When, on the other hand, the sofa is included in an already furnished context, the colour of the floor, of the walls and of the other complements can be taken into consideration, for example, a living room with parquet and wooden furniture is a perfect match for a classic sofa in beige, cream or white .
Light or dark sofas: an eternal challenge
The psychology of colour has a major impact on the overall atmosphere of the living room as well as the whole house. Having answered our three preparatory questions, the last thing left to ask is: “How do I want to feel in this space?”
Choosing a shade that reflects the right mood is a crucial step in living in the best possible environment and creating a balance where you can live in complete harmony.
Natural and neutral colours
Neutral colours such as white, grey, cream and the different shades of beige are always up-to-date and fit harmoniously into any household, identifying a precise style that gives a feeling of calm and relaxation.
For a large space, a good example is Dakota, a sofa with a light and refined shape, perfect for spacious and harmonious living rooms, which represents a forward-looking and always fashionable choice. If, on the other hand, the ambience is more intimate and restrained, the Kodi armchair is a valid option to give personality to the room.

Warm and vibrant colours
To create a cosy atmosphere, the most suitable shades fall on the spectrum from red to ochre, not excluding sandy nuances. Sunset for example, is ideal for creating large islands of relaxation with a strong personality, not forgetting the classy touch of colourful accessories. Antares ,on the other hand, lends itself more to intimate contexts that need dynamism.