Bontempi Casa launches the video Everyday Emotions, that describes a house designed as a precious treasure chest of everyday emotions.
Anna and Davide recently began living together, they are still trying to take measurements of their new life together. It’s nice to share everything. But sometimes it’s difficult, already, because everyday life can get complicated … Davide works a lot, he’s a lawyer, and he’s often traveling. “Always looking for justice” – she makes fun of him a bit.
Anna trying to become theater actress, a very beautiful woman, with a huge amount of curly hair that Davide loves to caress gently, in the evening when they fall asleep on the sofa one next to the other, after a good glass of red wine that has become their habit .
Anna works from home. A house that she has furnished according to her taste and personality, without ever stopping to confront the young husband, however. Anna believes that discussing is a good thing, a moment of confrontation to look for with serenity, because “new points of view can arise if we look with four eyes instead of two”. Like that time they had to choose where to hang the picture bought in Paris, from that artist with the picturesque mustache in the heart of Montmartre. “Here on the central wall of the living room it is perfect,” she stated. “I’m not convinced, better in the entrance,” he replied. But in the end they had found a compromise, as always, that made both of them happy.
Their favorite moment to spend together is the Sunday morning’s breakfast, when Davide is finally at home, with the suitcase locked in the closet. Anna loves to prepare breakfast, this relaxes her, making her feel at home. “It reminds me of when I was a child: my mother made me find my milk and coffee ready in a hot cupt, next to the box with my favorite cookies”. And so she finds herself every Sunday morning pouring coffee in the white porcelain cups, while David reads the newspaper – as the most classic of husbands, seen a thousand times in Anna’s movies and theater performances. But this scene does not make her angry, indeed, always brings up a smile.
That bright and still warm September morning, Anna prepared her usual coffee and some little muffins for their breakfast. But Davide has to go out today, he has an important meeting on Sunday. Anna puts the pitcher of orange juice on the splendid white marble table in the dining room. “When are you coming back?” she asks. “Tuesday evening, you know”. She, a little sulky, goes back to the kitchen to get more coffee.

Davide knows it well: tomorrow will be their anniversary and Anna will spend it by herself, due to his work commitments. “Your works takes too much of your time, you never have time for us, not even for our anniversary!”, She tells him in a melancholy tone. “I know, honey, I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
The two greet each other a few hours later. Anna decides to clean up the house – order outside order inside. She dusts the bookcase, removes the transparent glass shelves to clean them better. Move the vases and the objects gathered during their travels together: “What an adventure our story”, she thinks to herself. “After all, even though he works a lot, Davide shows his love for me every day”. She goes back to the fun evenings spent with their friends, all together in the living room: “How many laughs”. She thinks back of that time when, trying to water the garden, she and Davide wet their clothes and started playing like children.

“How many moments lived in this house” …
The next morning Anna wakes up to go to the rehearsal of her next show. She sits down at the writing desk, puts on some make-up, brushes her hair, enjoys that brief moment of genuine vanity. And she goes out.
The day is long, tiring. Anna keeps thinking about their anniversary, that they will have to celebrate separately this year.
When she comes back home in the evening, she takes a hot bath, and then decides to drink the usual glass of red wine. She lights a small candle, takes a crystal goblet from the bar in the living room, watches the sun set outside the window and waits for the following day.

Meanwhile Davide is in the car. Driving serene, with a smile, towards home. Anna still does not know, but he will surprise her, returning on time for their anniversary dinner. When taking the road to their cottage, Anna is in the living room, absorbed in her thoughts, listening to jazz music.
A rose, a smile, a hug. That’s all she would want now. And just as if the stars had listened to her, Davide opens the front door. He wears his blue suit, and has a red rose in his hands. “For you my love. Happy Anniversary!”. She still does not believe it: “You’re back on time!”, she shouts running towards him and hugging him tightly.
Dinner was not planned. What does it matter? Even better to cook together.