A soft refuge where everyone spends the time of these holidays in his own way
Christmas day has passed by, and the first lunch organized at their new home was enjoyed by the whole family. Now, Andrea and Alice really intend to carve out a few moments of relaxation all for them before leaving for the mountains with friends. The program for the next days? A few strolls in the park, new recipes to try now that there is more time to devote to cooking, and long chats on the sofa. Snuggled up among the cushions, they let themselves go to memories but also to imagine the future: a long series of Christmas parties organized in that house, the trips they have always dreamed of, the space for smart working and the space for starting a family…

Caterina’s passion for Christmas films began very early, and never went away. Every year, the first days of December mark the beginning of her “marathon” in front of the screen, which continues until the Epiphany. Now that the choice on streaming platforms is getting wider, she also enjoys recommending the most suitable film to each of her friends. But the thing she loves the most is inviting her sister Laura over to watch the films of their childhood and go back to being little girls together, sitting on the sofa sharing the flannel blanket just like when they were little and dreamed of that pinch of magic that every Christmas brings with it.

Finally free from work commitments, Elisa and Lorenzo spend the days of the holidays organizing a thousand games for their little Andrea. Mom sits on the sofa and reads a few pages from their favorite storybook, and the fun can begin. Their living room is transformed from time to time into a pirate galleon, a track where colored cars compete until the last lap, an enchanted forest … After all, a box of constructions and a little imagination are enough to spend carefree moments and create the memories that they will carry in their hearts for many years, even when Andrea is grown up and on that sofa maybe they will talk about his first crushes, which school to choose, what he will want to do “when he becaomes an adult”…